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Smoke Generator Script for plane not working

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Hey all,

I'm trying to write a simple script for a plane that im working on but I haven't had any luck. The script is supposed to attach a white smoke grenade to the plane (which will look like a smoke generator used in airshows) and is executed by the pilot through a scroll menu option. The config is setup properly and the scroll menu option calls the script. When I went to go test it, I clicked the scroll menu option to turn on the smoke generator but nothing happens. I cant seem to figure out why.

Here is the script that executes:

   _plane = _this select 0;
   _smoke1 = "SmokeShellWhite" createVehicle (position _plane);
   _smoke1 attachTo [_plane,[0,0,0]];

But like I said, nothing happens when the pilot executes. Can anyone help me out? Thanks

EDIT: The script works just fine. I wrote the wrong classname. It's just "smokeshell" not "smokeshellwhite". Oops:oops:. It's all workin'.

Edited by Bryce23

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