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Warfare Module HELP!!

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heyy, sorry if this is a repeat question, i didnt find google any help on the topic of warfare, i did check out some videos on http://sandbox.darrenbrant.com/ but other then that not really much help, anyways im trying to do a warfare mission, i understand how it works, iv been playing arma for a year, so im not that dumb i just dont know scripting at all. anyways my missions basicly like this


OPFOR gonna start at the smaller southren base (Balota) while BLUEFORS gonna start atthe other smaller NE airport (Krasnostav)

Then i basiclly wanna go all out war with OPFOR (AI) and see how far i can go, i wanna at least have some resistance in the AI and not completly dominate them right away,

but my questions are?

1. how do u set up "startinglocations" i made a game logic, synched it and named it "startinglocation0" placed it and changed my lines in my initmission to

BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["sidePlacement",[true,1]]; //Side placement, use starting logics only.

and did the same with opfor but called it "startinglocation1" but for some reason only my BLUEFOR start at set location while OPFOR start in random locations near my airbase n right off attack me, i was wondering how do i fix the starting location and stop them from attacking right off and focas on exspanding and defences and after say 20 mins attack me?

2, am i able to predefine the location of warfare buildings, so it looks neat and dont have vehicals over the runway for both sides??

3, how do i exclude the citys around my base so that they dont become an objective

thanks in advance

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I, too, am making a map with warfare elements, it actually started as an airbase with all vehicle that anyone can use to do whatever they want, but i've been adding many features slowly (is: artillery support, patrolling uav, enemy base, callable fuel/ammo/repair support) and our group has been playing warfare a lot lately. So I've decided to add capturable cities and buyable units, but when i added the warfare module and tried to set the starting location to the synced unit original position, it would always add me to a random location and not at my airbase, but i grabbed the initmission.sqf file from the sample warfare PBO and it has a string off BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["sidePlacement",[true,-1,-1]]; in it, so i assume the first -1 is used for BLUFOR starting location, because when i changed it to 1 instead of -1, then it used my unit position in the editor, so i would also assume the second -1 is for OPFOR starting location, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, so maybe try adding that, now just trying to add preplaced warefare building so the actually fit in my base, also trying to default commander to 1st player slot instead of voting

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