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Preprocessor error? What is it supposed to be?

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Hi folks,

basically I'm working on a mission and I'd like to make a torture scene, where a ChDkZ officer is hitting a female city major with his rifle. To do so, I created a file named hostageanims.sqf. This is what it contains:

_hostage=_this select 0;
_badguy=_this select 1;

WaitUntil { !alive _badguy};

_major switchMove "Testsurrender";
_badguy switchMove "CtsDoktor_Vojak_uder1";
goto torture;

Then , in the mission, I have a trigger. On Activation I have this:

nul = [City_major,officer] execVM "hostageanims1.sqf";

Of course, 'officer' is the name of the ChDkZ soldier and 'City_major' is the name of the female hostage.

But when I start the mission and the trigger activates itself, an error is displayed:

Preprocessor faied on C:\Users\admin\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\=ASc=Pv1%2eNexus\missions\CISP_Village_Sweep.Chernarus\hostageanims.sqf - error 7

What's wrong with the script? Using the command -showScriptError nothing is displayed so I assume that the syntax has no problem, but I don't have a clue about this strange error. I'd be glad is someone helps me figuring this problem out.


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