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Scriptproblems and poor MP performance

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Hey there,

for quite a time now I'm expieriencing some major problems with my ArmA 2.

If I'm in Singleplayer I can play a populated Mission on high graphics and 5000m VD at around 20-30FPS but as soon as I'm joining a Server that is running a rather scriptful mission, my fps drops to 10 and below and scripts are working very very slowly.

You might know those letters that are appearing in the bottom right corner when playing some Missions p.e. Domination 2. Or MSO. These Letters are appearing and disappearing in SlowMo. A diffrent example is the scripted respawn timer in some mission when 1 InGame second takes about 3-10 RL-secons.

What I've tried so far:

- Graphics to very low

- various start parameters

- Some changes in the .cfg and recreation of this file

- Reinstallation/Redownload of A2 and OA

- Defragmentation of Folders

- NoBlur mod

Version: Latest Supported Steam version of CO


Platform: Windows 7 Ult. 64bit SP1 (steam)


AMD Phenom 9500 Quadcore (2.5GHZ) Overclock from 2.2


Geforce 8800GT 512MB

I'm happy about any ideas.


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