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Bleeding scritp

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Hi guys

I'm making a campaign, so I made a bleeding script, it works, but with a unit only, for example [unit] exec "Bleeding.sqs". My question is What must I do, so all units exec this script. Look the script


;Bleeding Script
;Script will exec when unit has dammage > 0.5
;Exec the script [Nombredelaunidad] exec "xxx.sqs"
;It needs ofpec_blood addon by SnYpir
;Made byAldo15

_unit = _this select 0
Xpos = getpos _unit select 0
Ypos = getpos _unit select 1
Zpos = getpos _unit select 2


? (getdammage _unit > 0.5) : goto "bleeding" ; [_unit] exec "Efectos\Sangrar\time.sqs" 
? (getdammage _unit < 0.5) : goto "nobleeding"
goto "check"


? (getdammage _unit < 0.5) : goto "nobleeding"
? (not alive _unit) : goto "End"

_sangre1 = "ASM_Bldsplat" Camcreate getpos _unit
_sangre2 = "ASM_Bldchnk" Camcreate getpos _unit
_sangre3 = "ASM_Bldchnk2" Camcreate getpos _unit
_sangre4 = "ASM_Bldchnk3" Camcreate getpos _unit

drop ["cl_water", "", "Billboard", 1, 1,[getpos _ap select 0,getpos _ap select 1,0.75], [(sin(getdir _ap) * (Velocity _ap select 0)),(cos(getdir _ap) * (Velocity _ap select 0)),1], 1, 0.05, 0.0045, 0, [0.1], [[0.3,0,0,1],[0.3,0,0,1],[0.3,0,0,1],[0.3,0,0,1]], [0,1,0], 0.5, 0.05, "","", ""]

goto "Bleeding2"

;Pondremos las 4 particulas en posiciones 'al azar' de la posición de la unidad
_sangre1 setdir((getdir _unit )-180)
_sangre1 setpos [(getpos _unit select 0)+1-(random 1),(getpos _unit select 1)+1-(random 1),0]
_sangre2 setdir((getdir _unit )-180)
_sangre2 setpos [(getpos _unit select 0)+1-(random 1),(getpos _unit select 1)+1-(random 1),0]
_sangre3 setdir((getdir _unit )-180)
_sangre3 setpos [(getpos _unit select 0)+1-(random 1),(getpos _unit select 1)+1-(random 1),0]
_sangre4 setdir((getdir _unit )-180)
_sangre4 setpos [(getpos _unit select 0)+1-(random 1),(getpos _unit select 1)+1-(random 1),0]

goto "bleeding"

goto "check"




;Note: it needs Bleeding.sqs script to work

_soldier = _this select 0
_i = 0


? getdammage _soldier < 0.5 : goto "Endloop"

if (_i == 2000) then {_soldier setdammage 0.7}
if (_i == 3000) then {_soldier setdammage 0.8}
if (_i == 4500) then {_soldier setdammage 0.9}
if (_i == 5000) then {_soldier setdammage 1}

_i = _i + 0.5

goto "Loop"

_soldier setdammage 0

Help me please

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If you want to execute your script to all units in your mission give each group a name. Write myGroupName=group this in each leader's init filed and copy those lines in your init.sqs


;Init Script by Nikiller
;Contact: nikillerofp@hotmail.fr
{_all_ar=_all_ar+(units _x)} forEach _allgrplist
{[_x] exec "whateverscript.sqs"} forEach _all_ar




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I guess the easiest way would be to put a trigger covering the whole map, activated by anybody, and write this in the on activation line :

{[_x] exec "Bleeding.sqs"} foreach thislist

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I guess the easiest way would be to put a trigger covering the whole map, activated by anybody, and write this in the on activation line :

{[_x] exec "Bleeding.sqs"} foreach thislist

I agree it is the easiest way but IMHO, whole map triggers are not performance friendly at all. I recommand to never use it in any case. Moreover, if you use a trigger activated by anybody your bleeding script will be executed for vehicles, empty vehicles and objects (campfire, barrel, fence...) aswell. I don't think you want to see tanks or objects you placed on the map bleeding :D.



Edited by Nikiller

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Ha yes, that could be funky to see a barrel bleed, then you can avoid it by trying :

[if ("man" counttype [_x] == 1) then {[_x] exec "Bleeding.sqs"}] foreach thislist

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If you are afraid of a trigger wasting precious megahurtzes, you can always deleteVehicle after it served its purpose. This will stop a trigger from evaluating its condition every 0.5s.

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Agree, AWLAYS delete trigger after activation it saves a lot of performance. There's some exception like repeatidly triggers and some others. Forgot to include it in my scripts pack, will do it.



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If you are afraid of a trigger wasting precious megahurtzes, you can always deleteVehicle after it served its purpose. This will stop a trigger from evaluating its condition every 0.5s.

Is the trigger still checking even if it has been fired (and cannot be fired anymore, such as activated only "once" ?)

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Yep, the triggers as far I know keep checking every 0.5 sec even if they were fired and not used anymore

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Indeed. Here's a test:

activate once

condition: call{player sidechat format["%1",time]; true}

onAct: hint "activated"

(also a handy way to get something executed every 0.5s when you are too lazy to write a script :))

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