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Need help with Inventory commands

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Hi some of the unit addons that I have downloaded don't have Radios in the inventory's. So I would like some help adding Radios to the inventory's of my AI allies and enemy's. Could someone tell me the initialization command to adding Radios to inventory's.

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In your init.sqf...or from anywhere really... once all the units are initialized and on the map... execute this little script.


_allunits = allunits;

for "_i" from 0 to (count _allunits)-1 do {
_unit = _allunits select _i;
if (not (_unit hasWeapon "ItemRadio")) then {_unit addWeapon "ItemRadio"};
sleep 0.01;


Another way to make the purists happy!


_allunits = allunits;
{if (not (_x hasWeapon "ItemRadio")) then {_x addWeapon "ItemRadio"}} foreach _allunits;

Edited by twirly

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