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Addaction Locality

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Ok I know this has been discussed before but I cant figure my problem out. This script is for a training map so a chase chopper can call of a malfunction of the training chopper. So far I added


"main" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[] execVM "101st_scripts\153a\motor.sqf";};

"tail" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[] execVM "101st_scripts\153a\tail.sqf";};

"fuel" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[] execVM "101st_scripts\153a\lowfuel.sqf";};

"repair" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[] execVM "101st_scripts\153a\repair.sqf";};

"all" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[] execVM "101st_scripts\153a\all.sqf";};

Then I have a info stand that has a addaction to add the actions to the helicopter


_tail = c1 addaction ["Disable Tailrotor","101st_scripts\153a\tailstart.sqf"];
_main = c1 addaction ["Disable main Rotor","101st_scripts\153a\mainrotorstart.sqf"];
_all = c1 addaction ["Disable all systems","101st_scripts\153a\allstart.sqf"];
_fuel = c1 addaction ["Drain Fuel","101st_scripts\153a\fuelstart.sqf"];
_repair = c1 addaction ["Repair Chopper","101st_scripts\153a\repairstart.sqf"];

Then to show a example of one since they are all similar are


tail = true;

publicVariable "tail";


tc1 setHit ["mala vrtule", 1]; 

I cannot get it to happen globally in the dedicated server so when you tell the trainee chopper to disable the main rotor nothing happens. What did I do wrong?

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Yes I had scripts in my init that I had a stupid error where it wouldnt get past those lines and so this will work.

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