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ALICE and synchronizeObjectsAdd

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I am trying to synchronize all the civilians spawned by the ALICE module to a First Aid: Battlefield Clearence. It doesn't work :(

this setvariable  [ "ALICE_civilianinit",  [{ _this addeventhandler ["killed", {if (isServer) then {_this spawn a3d_fnc_civilian_killed}}]; hint "Civ created"; Modules_FABC synchronizeObjectsAdd [_this]}]  ] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd

Nevertheless, the player unit and an editor placed civilian have the following init:

Modules_FABC synchronizeObjectsAdd [this]

As you can imagine, I can drag the editor placed civilian, but not any spawned by ALICE.

Modules_FABC is the name of the module.

The hint works (whenever a civilian is spawned, it pops).

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