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Sentry Mission

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In the mission where pvt Anderson has to guard the vulcan on the costline, how do beat the mission. The spentz-natz always get me. It is very hard.

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Hi mate,

The way I did it was to run about half way up the big hill overlooking the camp. You can watch the approaches to the camp easily from here.

Then i went prone and waited for the spetz-natz guys to arrive.

If I remember correctly there is two of them.

They dont see you on the hill when they come so its an easy thing to shoot them.

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*** SPOILER ***

If you run up that big hill (with the lighthouse on top) and veer to the hill's left side, you can spot 1 or 2 of the Spetznatz prone on the beach, before he/they get up and head towards the base.

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That mission is really easy. Mainly because there are only two of those Spetznaz (how do you spell that?) guys.

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Strange,I was shot first time playing that one but since I stand behind the shelter and they show up in the same place everytime.The first one shows up right in front of you first he sneaks but then he'll be running strait against you.Blast him.His partner comes 10-15 secs after on the right running a couple of meters up on the hillside.Waste him to and your'e done.Al

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run over the hill, waste the two dudes, run back to your officer, then go to the m2 and kill all the boats and shoot down the hind (takes a bit of practice).

gold stars whoopee

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Well Zhang I guess I'm to peaceminded as I never even thought of getting em boats choppers and a few hangarounds but I'm sure you score high.Keep up the good work.

regards Al

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lol, all i did was run up to the light house and let them blow the camp to #### wink.gif At least i still made it to the next mission. biggrin.gif

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Run half way up the hill with the lighthouse on it, wait for your Eastern friends to show up near your base (not too near mind you), then fire a flare in the air, enjoy the next few seconds as they realize something's not right and hit the dirt, now they are slow easy targets, fire down on them and you win. Of course I didn't know you could do more until now, I did see the M2 but the Hind flew by and out of range before I could do anything. Or, you could go directly to the sea and get them outright, that way you have time to do the other things.

So many of the OFP missions are fun I can't figure out which one is my favourite.

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Tortus. watch up for the colonel he's gonna be pissed of with ya.


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