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Mission flow - weird issues

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I'm having strange issues with the mission flow... One example to illustrate this: I play the first instruction, the one that makes me inspect the different parts of the helicopter. Then, when finished, I'm told to interact with Joe, which I do.

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But then, when I'm given the options to start current mission, or order an instruction lesson, or canceling, I choose "order instruction lesson". I start lesson two, the one about the cockpit and instruments, and then I cancel it, I do not finish it and go back to the heliport.

I go back again to talk to Joe, who tells me the same history again (should he not just ask me if I'm ready to start yet? but that's not the problem), and when I select "start current mission"... I find myself starting the second instruction mission, the one I previously abandoned, instead of the current mission John has told me about.

It's not the first time this has happened to me, but this is the first time I can recall the whole process point by point, so I think it's a good example :).

Aaand, yes, I already finished the main campaign and I'm going back from the beginning (with a clear profile, no previously saved missions, nor career, etc.).

Thank you very much!

Edited by Blackstorm

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