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Syncronize watches

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I was looking at the editor tutorial thats on the game cd,

in the sensor section, the first example looks like it is using the in game 24hour clock and date "this an2wow.gif0pm 3/19/01d" bla bla bla.I think this would be good for a trigger, but I cant get it to work. I've tried changing "an" for "and" but still get errors (unknown operator).

Anyone know about this??

keep it simple confused.gif


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if you want this trigger to occour at a certian time, you can set the time your map starts, then when you make your trigger, set a time delay in those 3 boxes (it's in seconds) to whatever the time is, then you can set your message in the trigger, it may work...

hope this helps


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Not sure if this is what you want but... A trigger with this expCond:


will be set active at high noon (mission time). A trigger with this expCond:


will be set active at a quarter past twelve (mission time) and so on...

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