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Couple questions about setting up folders

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The simple arma 2 terrain tutorial is a bit ambiguous about a couple things.

1) Under creating my project folder, the CMD line I'm supposed to enter is:

xcopy *.cpp P:\<YourNamespace>\ca\ /S /Y

One problem: there's no "ca" in my namespace folder- there's no subfolders at all, so why does it say \<namespace>\ca? Anywho, when I type it in I get:

File not found - *.cpp
0 File(s) copied

Could this be because my CA "config" file is labeled "config.bin" rather than CPP?

2) While setting this up, the tutorial says "You need all BI addons correctly extracted to P:\ca to get this working." Does this mean everything from CA? Because the tutorial said for now only extract Roads and Plants files. I figured this might be why it's not working.

Thanks for reading.

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Cool, that sounds much easier thanks. Will this do all the animations and config extraction automatically?

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