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Networking unit awareness?

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I was thinking about air defense in this game and realized that, using only what I know, an effective and realistic air defense is practically impossible. Most of this stems from the fact that what one unit knows, another doesn't know. I set up two air defense teams and, while one is getting pounded by rockets (that the planes are using rockets when AGMs are far more logical during SEAD is another issue), the other team is standing around doing nothing because they have not identified the attacking aircraft as hostile, despite the fact that there are unexplainable explosions going on about 400 m away.

When you think of how air defense works, it is a process that requires that information is shared.

-Radar assets must detect and identify enemy aircraft

-Command and control elements must assess and identify the appropriate response and the best assets to prosecute the response.

-Air defense assets like guns and missiles must eliminate intruding aircraft.

-Various support entities must attend to the needs of assets, i.e. ground defense, ordinance, maintenance, fuel, etc.

If radar does not talk to C2, how will C2 know that there is a threat?

If C2 does not talk to assets, how will assets know to fire?

If assets do not talk to C2, how will C2 know that they need ammunition, repair, fuel, defense against a ground force, etc.?

If radar does not talk to assets, how will they know where to shoot beyond their visual range?

What I know about BIS is great for individual action and group-level dynamics. It works because troops know what they need to do (see enemy, see if there is ammunition, determine aiming, fire, assess, etc.) and they share information. Unfortunately, the AI has no clue how to operate high command despite maps being able to support up to company-, maybe battalion-level operations and the fact that almost everything they need to know, they already know on a smaller scale.

In short, how can I create a network that allows units to share information and destroy targets beyond an individual unit's line of sight in an efficient, orderly manner?

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I did create an IADS in Arma 2 some time ago. However, I dropped it since AA units refuse to engage anything more than a couple of clicks away.

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Can one of ya fellas post a list of CO projectile classnames? (not mag classnames).

Would be very helpful.

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