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Mr Vibrating

Extended Time Acceleration Control

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I'd like the time acceleration control to extend downwards as well as upwards to enable slowing the clock in-game in the same way as speeding it up.

So for example at normal 1x speed one might tap the "minus" key to halve the time rate, or perhaps a couple of taps down to 1/4 time. The "plus" key would crank the rate back up in the normal way, up to 4x or whatever.

Basically just extending the range of the control to enable slower as well as faster time.

I understand how to use the SetAccTime command by inserting it into "on activation" fields, but haven't been able to bind it to any keys.

If that's not possible then second best option might be a script accessed from a command menu or something (?) but so far i've only managed this by editing other's scripts - when all i really want is this minimum functionality, implemented as simply as possible...

Any help appreciated..

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