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Multiple Scripting Questions

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I would like only one platoon to be able to be JIP'd into. When a player JIPs into the two other platoons, they will be sent into spectate. Would this work? Or am I on the right track?:

if (!isServer && isNull player) then  //JIP player

   	waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
switch (group player) do {
   		case ranger:{
  	_spectate = [] execVM "scripts\gdtmod_spectator\init.sqf";
	case armor:{
  	_spectate = [] execVM "scripts\gdtmod_spectator\init.sqf";
   	waitUntil { ScriptDone _spectate };

I also need help with two more things:

1. When using Sandiford's setup time and barrier scripts in my missions (reference Sandiford's TVT framework), they don't stop the player from leaving the setup area. The player will walk one step, stop, walk one step, stop, etc.. It seems to try to stop them from exiting, but it's not working 100% Why?

2. I'm trying to have objectives worth points in a TVT mission. How would I go about making sure it's giving the points to the correct team? As it stands now it would just give the points to everyone regardless of who completed the objective. If anyone has other ideas on how to accomplish this I'm all ears.

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