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Censorship on the BIS forums!

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You locked my thread "9/11 Ten Year Anniversary " without any legitimate reason specified. Let see how cowardly you are, if you lock or if you leave this thread open. This should be interesting.

The thread was intended solely to honor the victims of 9/11, but you have apparently a more accurate idea of ​​what really happened that day than those who actually did the official investigations. Note that I did not write a single line of 'own theories, "but only posted a few quotes from the official 9/11 commissioners themselves. Not Charlie Sheen :rolleyes:

Apparently you do not respect free speech and to have a different opinion than your own is apparently breaking the forum rules.

I find it hard to believe that BIS accept such behavior from forum moderators. If so, I will refrain from using the official forum again and BIS will probably loose a customer in the process.

Signing out.

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You say it was to honor the victims but all I saw were posts on it being a conspiracy theory and an inside job and that was most likely why it was locked. Or it could be that the mods of the BIS forums are run by the US government who are trying to to cover up 9/11!

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Or it could be that the mods of the BIS forums are run by the US government who are trying to to cover up 9/11!

you're right! I know rellikki and he's up to no good. I think he's trying t-

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Respecting the victims of the incident isn't about speculating what really happened, but to show your sympathy. If you really meant to honor the victims, you would have instead posted your condolences. It doesn't matter what really happened, or what are your opinions - What matters is that they're dead and today is the day to remember them.

The only reason I'm closing this thread is because it breaks the forum rules. It has nothing to do with cowardness. He shouted at me... ='(

Edited by Rellikki

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