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How can I synchronise MP mission start across all clients?

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I'm moving all player units into a helicopter at mission start. It's critical to the mission that all players are in the chopper without too much desync or delay. The issue is that some players are not being moved into the chopper fast enough and are standing on the ground after mission start.

Is there a way to delay or pause mission start till all clients have caught up?

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You could use waitUntil, but I'm not sure what you would put as the condition. Could always just use some sleeps.

By "moving all players into a helicopter", do you mean the mission starts with them on the ground and the player has to walk himself into the helicopter? If so, I suggest just putting them straight into the helicopter at mission start via code in their init line in the editor. See moveInDriver, moveInCargo, and any other moveIns that are found at the bottom of those pages.

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It's critical to the mission that all players are in the chopper without too much desync or delay.

That's only possible in Single Player, and sometimes not even then. :)

Use moveInCargo as Grimes said and when you start the mission wait with someone as admin till everyone is ready and "blued up" before continuing into the mission.

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