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Enabling the default Arrowhead zeroing system for tanks?

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I'm curious how can I enable it on my tank?I looked all over the BI configs of the T72 and T55 - 72 has it but 55 doesn't and I don't see the difference, what am I missing?I am talking about the page up/down system that sets the zero for a specific distance.

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Did you look in the arrowhead configs or the arma 2 configs? They are in the turret defenitions, don't remember them off the top of my head.

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from bradley config:

class Turrets: Turrets
  class MainTurret: MainTurret
   turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeZeroing";
   discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000};
   discreteDistanceInitIndex = 5;
   gunnerHasFlares = 0;
   gunnerAction = "M2A2_GunnerOut_EP1";
   gunnerInAction = "M2A2_Commander_EP1";
   gunnerGetInAction = "GetInHigh";
   gunnerGetOutAction = "GetOutHigh";
   minElev = -9;
   maxElev = 59;
   initElev = 0;
   soundServo[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun_elevate2",0.001,1.0};
   weapons[] = {"M242BC","M240_veh","TOWLauncher"};
   magazines[] = {"1200Rnd_762x51_M240","2Rnd_TOW2","2Rnd_TOW2","2Rnd_TOW2","2Rnd_TOW2","2Rnd_TOW2","210Rnd_25mm_M242_APDS","210Rnd_25mm_M242_HEI","210Rnd_25mm_M242_APDS","210Rnd_25mm_M242_HEI"};
   class OpticsIn
    class Wide
     initAngleX = 0;
     minAngleX = -30;
     maxAngleX = 30;
     initAngleY = 0;
     minAngleY = -100;
     maxAngleY = 100;
     initFov = 0.117;
     minFov = 0.117;
     maxFov = 0.117;
     visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG","Ti"};
     thermalMode[] = {0,1};
     gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\tracked_e\gunnerOptics_M2A2";
     gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {};
    class Narrow: Wide
     gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\tracked_e\gunnerOptics_M2A2_2";
     initFov = 0.039;
     minFov = 0.039;
     maxFov = 0.039;
   class Turrets: Turrets
    class CommanderOptics: CommanderOptics
     minElev = -25;
     maxElev = 60;
     initElev = 0;
     minTurn = -360;
     maxTurn = 360;
     initTurn = 0;
     weapons[] = {"SmokeLauncher"};
     magazines[] = {"SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag"};
     turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeFinder";
     gunnerAction = "M2A2_CommanderOut_EP1";
     gunnerInAction = "M2A2_Commander_EP1";
     gunnerGetInAction = "GetInHigh";
     gunnerGetOutAction = "GetOutHigh";
     gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_com2";
     gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {};
     class ViewOptics
      initAngleX = 0;
      minAngleX = -30;
      maxAngleX = 30;
      initAngleY = 0;
      minAngleY = -100;
      maxAngleY = 100;
      initFov = 0.155;
      minFov = 0.067;
      maxFov = 0.155;
     startEngine = 0;
     gunnerHasFlares = 1;

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I copied the following lines:

turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeZeroing";

discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000};

discreteDistanceInitIndex = 5;

To the main turret, the range laser thing shows up but the zeroing with page up/down doesn't show up..any ideas?

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