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Adding AI Recruiting to Revive Domination

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I was editing a 7th Cav Domination West Revive mission and was wanting to add the AI recruiting part from the West AI Domi. When in the editor, I see an invisible H with the name AISPAWN where I'm guessing the AI Barracks spawns. Does this mean that the mission had AI in it and it's just disabled somehow? Any help would be much appreciated.

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I was editing a 7th Cav Domination West Revive mission and was wanting to add the AI recruiting part from the West AI Domi. When in the editor, I see an invisible H with the name AISPAWN where I'm guessing the AI Barracks spawns. Does this mean that the mission had AI in it and it's just disabled somehow? Any help would be much appreciated.

unpack it with pbo unpacker, click on x_setup.sqf, open it with notepad and there is //#define __AI__

so remove that first // so it should look like #define __AI__

then open all x_setup.sqf and in all change it...(they are in different folders, almost all(with x in start)...then just pack it again

but as u said that u were modifying mission.sqm...so u already unpacked it, so it should be soooooo easy, have fun :D

Edited by Klubargutan

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