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drunken officer

possible to lift up the player spawnpoint?

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Hi guys.

I hope this is the right selection.

We have a problem. I build a house and i have to lift up the floor 0.60 m, because we do not want grass at the floor.

But if a player spawn in that house, he allways spawn at the natural ground. That means, that the player spawn in my geo lod (important for collision query), and then the geo-lod didnt work (you can walk through the walls).

Is there a way, to lift up the spawn point?


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insert this code into the unit's init line in the editor:

this setPos [(getPos this select 0), (getPos this select 1), (getPos this select 2)+.75]; 

When the unit spawns it will automatically lift him .75m higher in the air. You can trying changing it to .6 but a little more than that is safer to make sure its clears the floor. Good luck!

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