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change units

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How to change the unit.

His outfit, like originally.

What you could create it immediately as a character from the campaign?

I mean, build it piece by piece. Let us take an arrow to the arrow to add the helmet Senior arrow. Then this arrow to add armor to the physician. And give the AK-74.

Is there a similar program? If yes, explain how to use them to Use and a link to download.

Thanks in advance.

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if I understand what your saying you cannot change the outfit, you have to use the units provided but to add\remove weapons from a unit use addWeapon (weapons only) , addMagazine (magazines only), removeWeapon (weapons only), removeMagazine (magazines only) and to remove all of a guys weapons\ammo removeAllWeapons

Here is a list of all ArmA 2\OA\DLC Classnames

Edited by ArmAriffic

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