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Smoke scripts

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ok, i'm doing a beach landing and i want there to be smoke either a) dropped by helo that flys by (do they do that ? i thot it'd look cool but it's probliy not accurate oh well i'd still like to try it) or b) just have a couple of the squad members throw it. how would i go about doing this ? if there is a script i can download that would be nice because i can't write them. oh and i would also like a good tutoriol for making intros. i know what i want to do (like camera angles and music and stuff) but i have no clue how to do it. anyways thks for any help

P.S. i have tried running searches b4 asking any Q's but i can't get any thing to come up. i even searched for the KW falshpoint and it didn't find any matches, so srry if this has already been discussed

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (34cool @ May 26 2002,00:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">b) just have a couple of the squad members throw it. how would i go about doing this ?<span id='postcolor'>

In a trigger, put whatever things and stuff you want, but in On Activation field, put:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname fire ["throw","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellRed"]<span id='postcolor'>

Make sure the unit has a red smoke shell. smile.gif

And remember to change unitname to the thrower's unitname.


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how exactly would i give him a red smoke shell ?? (srry i'm new at this). thks

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this addweapon "SmokeShellRed";

this addmagazine "SmokeShellRed"

(in the units init-field)

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You might need to take one of the man's other weapons away first. Otherwise he won't accept the new one I don't think:

this removemagazine "HandGrenade" for example.

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If you wanted you could use CamCreate which just makes the flare appear out of no where:

flare1 = "Flare Type" CamCreate[GetPos Triggername select 0, GetPos triggername select 1,100]

Replace trigger name with the name of you trigger. The flare will detonate above the trigger . Substitute flare type for anything, as long as it is some type of flare.

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Be aware though that smoke makes OFP lag like a bad SOB! Even three or four shells can slow things down to a complete chug, and a dozen will stop it dead in its tracks.


Dr. Charm

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