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New campaign needs scripters

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My Campaign is based in 1990, Russia has managed to take all the islands and you play (at the start atleast) as a US Black ops operative who is sent in to kill off officers on the island of Malden, the first mission is almost complete (minus the scripting). The idea behind your objectives is to make the islanders think the Russians are losing their control (since the islanders arn't to bothered about the Russians now), this will cause them to prefer to help the Allied invasion. I'm gunna have a few British troops in it too. You should rarly use more than 30 rounds in a mission, the fun comes out of sneaking around. Getting spotted by Russians means you'll just have to kill them, and getting spotted by Civilians means you fail the mission. Because then the islanders know that the allies are trying somthing, and its not just the Russians killing each other or getting killed by criminals on the island!

I can pritty much make the basic parts of the missions, i'm just not to good at scripting (I know how to make people start in another veihcle and thats about it!wink.gif i just need sombody who can make radio messages and make objectives work on the map screen and some other handy scripts to make the missions seem and play better.

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