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Ugh! Unplayable performance! Shame on BIS!

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Sorry, but I just had to rant.

Over at the ArmA section of the Steam forums, there's a guy raising a stink about how he can't play Arma 2 on max settings with, because he gets.... Forty-Five Frames Per Second.

Apparently his PC was rated one of the fastest in the country, and he expects framerates as high as 150-200 with modern shooters. And to him, anything less than 55 "feels like a console game."

Rage. He needs to either buy a yacht or or donate to famine relief in Somalia.

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bringing up how stupid people are on the ArmA 2 steam forums section lol.

I visit there a few times a week and it's always filled with crap like this.

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People are stupid. The sky is also still blue, and grass is still green.

Pointless thread locked.

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