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Take on.... Base jumping!

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Hello, BIS, I just had an Idea. (You don´t need to implement this as a mission, just make it possible from the features side)

Wouldn´t it be cool if you could grab a parachute, have your friend fly you onto the roof of the TV tower in Seattle (whatever it´s named), and then film yourself jumping off from there with an A3 style parachute?

HALO jumping is already possible, just make it easier to access. Then some modder only needs to integrate a module to do tricks (maybe by mouse drawing), and a scoreboard.

Then we can have a BI-forums base jumping competition along with the helicopter aerobatics competition, the "build a stack-o-crates" (physX edition) competition and a race beer as slingload trough a storm in asia competition.

Also, what´d be cool if you could have player handlers on the ground to do coop tower building with slingload.

God, BI, I hate you. Stop making awesome games, it´s so distracting GOSH! :<<<<

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How about something more extreeme? Like "Take On Sheep" competition. Shaving em with tail rotor!

..Or no?...:tempt:

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Hell yes! Just make it a mini-game though, i'm not convinced Take on Sheep Shearing By Helicopter merits a game in itself.

I would buy Take On Base Jumping / Wing Suits.

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What's the fun of having a super realistic simulator if you can't do insane stuff with it :D

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