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Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Mission Editor HELP!!!!!!

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Hey guys and gals, im having alot of trouble with my mission editor for Dragon Rising, V1.0.10.0

IN explorer view

Start up (424) items

EntitySet (422)


ok so when i add new/more cinder blocks(LARGE), the first set i created on map becomes invisble but still physically there (player is blocked by it, could also be destroyed but NOT VISIBLE). By the way im creating huge walls with razor wire, each length of the wall has 4 rows, its abit overlapping each other, about 3.65m high excluding the razor wire. Please help me figure out this problem, im almost completed my compound and it sucks. Please tell me this is a glitch and not a limitation!!


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I'm sure someone here might know. But not too many people here are very fond of this game.

I suggest you head over to the Codemaster's Operation Flashpoint Forum. Where you might actually find someone who enjoys the game and plays it often to help you there.

Edited by Nicholas

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This forum does not, in any way, support Codemasters' Operation Flashpoint series. Do not open another topic for this here again even if you can't register over there for whatever reason.

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