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Bis person please explain

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Why do we get and inferior product to FBS i mean look at it its what Opflash should have been (no offence opflash is a brilliant game but), it seems from the screens of the osprey that u are able to move around in the vehicle, i mean why cant we have features such as calling in artillary. so flame for complaining i dont care.

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1: The game's engine dose not support "moving around" in vehicles except for basic character animation's.

2: You can call artillary/naval strikes with the help of script's and trigger's to simulate strikes.

So try the editor before you come in here and b*tch about "oh there's no artillary in OFP".

(I myself have written many artillary script's).

e.g :

_Centre = _this select 0

_area = _this select 1

_guns = _this select 2

_freq = _this select 3

_rounds = _this select 4

_delay = _this select 5

_CentrePos = GetMarkerPos _Centre

_cx = _CentrePos select 0

_cy = _CentrePos select 1

_areaX2 = _area * 2


_ammoType = "Heat120"


? (ariStop == 1) : goto "End"

_a = _guns + 1

_a = _a - 1


_tempObj = _ammoType camCreate[_cx + Random(_areaX2) - _area,_cy + Random(_areaX2) - _area,50]



_a = _a - 1

_tempObj = objNull

? (_a > 0) : goto "Salvo"

_rounds = _rounds - _guns

~_freq - (_guns * 0.4)

? (_rounds > 0) : goto "Update"




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1st of all i dont like being talked to by n00bs aslo have u checked VBS it shows a guy on a back ramp also i know how to use the editore but it seems there is more interation thru the map

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stupid question - what is vbs. i don't know....

There are many, many ways they could improve opf, even though its a fantastic game its better because theres loads of room for improvement (eg - they should make the spetsnatz look more like the spetsnatz in metal gear solid 2, that'd be so sweet)

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