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PvP scripts...

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DERP DERP DERP it was me! HERP HERP HERP HERP PM HERP HERP HERP didn't find me! DERP HERP asked you to ban me! DERP dare you to show the PM!

HERP HERP play rough DERP DERP DERP? DERP you don't even have HERP balls to say it. Did the angry Persian boys with DERP DER HERP find you and HERP DERP DERP HERP DERP DERP DERP?


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Edited by Zipper5

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And the PvPers wonder why they get such a bad reputation...

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And the PvPers wonder why they get such a bad reputation...

DERP wasn't banned for that you HERP, Zipper5 has a grudge DERP DERP DERP DERP. Its kinda personal... HERP HERP HERP DERP HERP HERP.

Edited by Zipper5

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Nah, it ain't personal. You're just another idiot on the internet with a free IP changer who just couldn't handle his first ban. We'll keep banning you even if we have to ban all of Greece. :rolleyes:

And yes, them P8H8 guys really gave me a run for my money! :eek:

Edited by Zipper5

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