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Following a unit

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Ok so i've created a mission and need a support unit (ambulance) to be followed by a non grouped apc to protect it while it is executing the support command.

I can't just group the 2 units together because the protection team will exit their vehicle and i need them to stay inside to cover the medics.

any help would be appreciated, searched and didn't find what i was after.

Edited by Monan101

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Try this...

In "init.sqf" add the following line

support = 0;
null = [] execVM "Scripts\FollowMeds.sqf";

Then create a new script called "FollowMeds.sqf" somewhere in your mission folder. (I put all my scripts inside folder called "Scripts".

while {true} do
[indent]if (support == 1) then
[indent]Support doMove getPos Ambulance;
sleep 2;[/indent]


And when you want the support vehicle to follow the ambulance, simply type

support = 1;

When you want the support to stop following the ambulance, just type

support = 0;

Basically FollowMeds.sqf will be in constant loop non stop. When it detects that the variable ' Support is equal to 1 ' it will execute the code. When it detects that the variable ' Support is not equal to 1 ' it will stop the code, until ' Support is equal to 1'.

This is probably not the best way to do it, but it should work.

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while {true} do
[indent]if ([b]support[/b] == 1) then
[indent][b]Support[/b] doMove getPos Ambulance;
sleep 2;[/indent]


Hi... one glaring error there....you're using the variable support for two different things.

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Lol an error i made there.

I meant to have put

"unitName" doMove getPos Ambulance;

If i was using Squint for that code, it would have told me off. :P

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