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UAV Waypoints, help please.

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Im building a mission in which the player must destroy two artillery radars and 4 scud launchers to protect Zargabad from a chemical weapons attack. The player has 3 units under his command and a UAV, which he can control from the backpack I assigned to him. However, when I use the action menu to control the UAV, the camera wobbles like hell and the controls are slow to respond, and no matter how high I set the flyInHeight command it always ends up in the dirt, UAV destroyed. Is there any way to get the UAV to follow a path of waypoints that "Cycle", but deny the player the ability to control the aircraft's direction. I would also like the player to be able to use the camera to spot targets on the ground, but not be able to utilise the missiles and rockets onboard, as that would be too easy. Appreciate any help on this :)

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To prevent the weapons just remove them. To keep the camera steady you might want to make it a cutscene kind of thing instead of an actual UAV. Or practice more with it, it's tricky to use but one you understand the controls it's better. Fly high (Q) and don't move the mouse to 'move' the camera, just leave it pointed at a spot and the camera will remain pointing there. Don't try to compensate for movement.

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Ok that solves the unsteady movement etc, but how would I go about forcing the UAV to follow a set path of waypoints EVEN IF the player is in control of the camera and therefore the UAV. The scenario I want to create is that the player is able to call on the UAV to spot infantry and armor below in a base as an advantage because of the overwhelming odds pitted against the squad. If the player could spot units before he reached the base then it would be easier for them to avoid them when trying to blow up the targets. So essentially, how do I remove weapons from the MQ-9, is it a command in the units init path? And how do I force the UAV to follow a preset path of waypoints in a cycle, but still retain camera control of the UAV? Thanks in advance

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Yup, I use this as the init of my UAV:

this removeWeapon "HellfireLauncher"; this disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; this disableAI "TARGET"; this setCombatMode "BLUE"; this setBehaviour "CARELESS"; this flyInHeight 500;

I'm not sure how you'd programatically move it's waypoints, especially if you'll be manually taking control over. It'll default to 4 waypoints around it's location though and cycle through those.

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