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Da Bomb

Bug When Buying New Units

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Not sure if this is the right section, but this seems like a serious bug to me.

I am in the mission Dogs of War, and it has been bug free for me up until now. I need to buy some T-72s to help attack a city. However, when I buy a T-72 (this is with the crew already bought with the vehicle) I get a message from on of the crew members that the commander is wounded. I thought this was just a minor error, and I ordered the commander to exit so my medic could heal him. However, when the next tank spawned I got a message that the commander was dead. The next tanks that spawned had dead or wounded commanders in them. I had this bug earlier when I was playing Badlands, but it wasn't that big of a problem then. But now, I need commanders for my tanks! There are no enemies remotely close to my position, and the tanks are not being damaged in any way after spawning. The commander is just wounded is dead when the tank spawns. Does anyone else have this bug? Does anyone know how I can fix it? I have already thought of buying a new crew member and telling him to enter, and that seems to work, but it seems stupid that I have to have my commanders die and then replace them.

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Never heard, read or experience such a bug and I played Dogs Of War mission twice with different patch versions.

What patch version are you using?

Are you using mods?

My best quess is that if the commander is somehow copying your stance and trying to go prone inside that vehicle it might glitch and kill him.

AI movement bugs often disappear when game is shutdown completely and earlier save is loaded.

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