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Having problems with display HELP!!

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Got a new pc made up lately. Have all the drivers updated. When I go to play combined operation or OA on it's own there's problems with the images on the monitor. Looks like rays coming out of objects on the terrian. Ive tried arma 2 with the old drivers & I had this problem so I updated the drivers & I'm still having the same problem. I can run COD MW2 no problem when I select 75hz in the video options in the game. Graphics & gameplay are top notch. Actually even when Im in windows the print can be a bit blurry or even when on a website page the page looks like its moving. Ive tried to change the Hertz in Windows before but it wont let me. Any advice at all would be great.


Could somebody help me?

Antec High Current Gamer HCG-900 watt

Intel Core i5 2500K / 3.3 GHz - LGA1155 Socket - L3 6 MB



8GB DDR3 ram

Windows 7 64 bit

SAMSUNG 2493HM Syncmaster

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Thanks for replying. I'm a total amateur when it comes to this stuff!... If you mean the video memory in the game options I just tried it and it's still the same.

Edited by Joaquinn

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First off the Default video setting is in the game under options>Video>Advanced

Secondly your monitor supports only one refresh rate and screen resolution properly, 1920 x 1200 @ 60MHz. If you run the monitor outside of the prescribed settings it will complain with onscreen messages. Flat panel monitor really don't like running anything other than what they are set to do. Unlike CRT monitors of old that you had greater latitude to change resolutions and refresh rate.

"Recommended Mode 1920 x 1200 60 Hz" Recommended in the case means MUST!

The manual for you monitor can be found <LINK HERE>

The Last time I saw "artefacts" like that was way back when I ran an nVidia 7900. There were a bad chip on them and quite a large recall at the time.

I would guess that something is being over/under driven. The fact you are having problems with windows "when Im in windows the print can be a bit blurry or even when on a website page the page looks like its moving" I would think it's the monitor or the driver. Once these are sorted your ArmA:2 issue may just go away.

Once you have your screen size and refresh rate sorted if you are still having issue it's time to look at the drivers.

Try downloading the graphics drivers again and installing them. You may have to uninstal the drivers first so that windows thinks you are running a "Generic VGA device".

If the driver dosn't help the next thing to look at is the game. Uninstal it, clear out the ArmA folders in you documents, run a registry cleanning program like CCLeaner

After a restart install the game, ArmA:2>Operation Arrowhead>1.59 patch

Good luck :)

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No Joy! fed up with this. Tried all the options you gave me and still the same issue. My gut feeling is that it has something to do with the video card. I thaught the RADEON HD 6790 1GB GDDR5 was suppose to be a good product. The second I uninstalled the card drivers the display improved on the desktop. when I reinstalled the drivers again the bloody thing started flickering again. PAIN IN THE BUM

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There is the possibility that you have a bad card the 6790 is a good card and should handle this game and many others with ease. Can you take it back to where you got it from?

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