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Spawning squads at a destroyable building

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I was hoping to get some help on something that I'm trying to do.

I'm trying to have a building that keeps spawning a squad once the previous squad has been entirely destroyed. I want the building to keep spawning these groups until the building has been destroyed.

Does anyone know of an straightforward way to do this?

THanks in advance.

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Save script below as buildingspawn.sqf and put in your mission folder.

info in the script on how to use.

i have higlighted some of the commands used, you can search for them here to understand more and learn to manipulate the script if you want.

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Excellent. THanks so much! I'll give this a try tonight.

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Thanks for the script. It works quite well...

However, is there any way for me to specify a task for the spawned groups? I would like for each spawned group to attack a position on the map.


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  RSharpe said:
Thanks for the script. It works quite well...

However, is there any way for me to specify a task for the spawned groups? I would like for each spawned group to attack a position on the map.


instead of this highlighted line:

// here we create a random patrol around the house.
[b]_patrol = [_group, _pos, 100] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;[/b]

you can create waypoints or use another script on them like UPS by kronzky, example waypoints:

_wp = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "attackBase", 0];
_wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
_wp setWaypointType "SAD";  // search and destroy waypoint.

here is info on addWaypoint:

here is kronzkys great patroling script:

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