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Col Bomber

[ARMAGROUP] Recruiting

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hello everyone my name is Col Bomber .i am the leader of [ARMAGROUP] .We are a small bunch of friends and were once known as 5th Rifles .i am not going to try and impress anyone by putting up cool vids and pics for recruitment ,we will let you know how it is,and you can take us how we are ,you wont be dissapointed if you join .Most of us are x forces and vets including me .We do use tactics that are used now in theater. If you are an arma player over the age of 18, or x forces and ( not ) looking to be commanded by someone under your own age then armagroup is for you . (We are not looking for anyone under the age of 16) . People that join will be under a trial . this is so the lads can get to know you and you can get to know them .Yes we do have a chain of command ,but we are x forces ,meaning we know the score .so anyone who joins us (wont be told) to stand to attention ,like they would with other arma clans.Our focus is to have fun.and enjoy this game as it is .its NOT to mess you around and try to treat you like a low level soldier .everyone is treated the same .We also need map makers/modders. your skills will be welcome in armagroup.

we have an ArmA II Combined Operations Server (to start with ) we will be getting our own server box in the next few months and its one of the best going as far as preformance.

we also use Teamspeak 3 (later with ACER) for ops

we will be using ACE and will also be moving to arma 3 .

our players are from allover the EU .so DONT be worried if your english isnt to good .

our teamspeak is ts3.killercreation.co.uk:10079 ( feel free to join us and chat to our members)

if you wish to join our CO server type in the filter (armagroup)

our website is www.armagroupbat.webs.com(feel free to come and join our forums and say hi to the members of armagroup)

thanks for your time Col Bomber

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