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Radio minimized, cannot maximize again

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I have a problem right now where I've minimized the radio in the map mode, and I cannot bring it back to the foreground in order to call in a command. I can't double click on the radio, since that just leaves an X marker. Single clicking on radio doesn't do anything either.

Does anyone know how I can maximize the radio again?


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Can you move minimized radio around by dragging it?

Try deleting

class WalkieTalkie






in "yourNickname.ArmA2OAProfile" to reset the position. Maybe this helps.

Untill you get a solution, you can call in same commands by pressing 0>0>"X".

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Thanks for the help! I'll give that a try.

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I found the problem was not so much the position, but that it was InBack. I set it to 0 and that fixed the problem. I still can't maximize the radio if I accidentally click on it to InBack though.

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