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AI keep assaulting i need them to hold!!

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grrrr. Literally look everywhere but cant find a solid solution to a seemingly easy complication im having.

How do you intruct and AI to hold his ground even when he has to engage the enemy. For instance in one of my missions the spec ops team (me and friends) have been inserted to scout out possible enemy movments in the foorest bejhind a small town. I want those AI to fire from inside the forest (have checked and they have good line of site) and STAY gaurding their forest and their ammo stashes. Instead they assault even though my waypoints are to HOLD.

Im trying to make it reasonably realistic and talaban would never really assault a delta teams position, just wouldnt happen they'd do what they do best and stick to the mountains trees and rocks and lay fire from there.

Any ideas how to get them to just gaurd that position and not assault? :D

Edited by george86

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Try disabling "engage" missions with this line:

<group> enableAttack false

This will disallow the AI leader from telling his guys to individually maneuver toward enemy units like idiots.

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Try disabling "engage" missions with this line:

<group> enableAttack false

This will disallow the AI leader from telling his guys to individually maneuver toward enemy units like idiots.

so i just put that in the grp leaders innit field?

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so i just put that in the grp leaders innit field?

try in any of the units in the group init field, does not have to be leader:

(group  this) enableAttack false

You can also try this instead in any units init field:

{[url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/doStop"]doStop[/url] _x} foreach units group this;

now every unit will stay in the position you set them to in the editor, note that in formation will auto move them to leader formation position.

also there is the disableAI commands you might want to look at.

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Use a guard waypoint on a marker I think.

Guard waypoints are what makes units assault most of all.

You aren't using Zeus AI, are you?

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no im using slx though?

Try turning it off. In my experience, units not give waypoints, or units given Move waypoints tend to stay pretty stationary.

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