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Ofp and win2k

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I have win 2k based system, with duron 700 and 126megs of ram. I also have polish version on ofp, after some time playing about 5 min the game crushes and switches restes the system. I tried to install patech from this site but they changed the language of the game from polish to czech. I would like to know how to overcome the trouble with crushing game, and how to install the patechs and still have polish instead of czech as the game language

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There can be many reasons why your game crashes (I don't know all of them myself) but at least I can tell that 126Mb of RAM means that an unsufficient swap file could be the answer to your problem.

First I would suggest that u reboot win2k, start playing ofp until it crashes. Then if by chance u go back to the desktop, press crtl-alt-suppr and click on "task manager" then "performance". Now look at your "Peak" Commit charge: this is the maximum amount of memory your system has used during this session. Then look at the "limit" Commit charge: that's the total amount of memory (RAM + swap file) available on the system. If Peak is close or equal to Limit, then u probably run out of memory when u play ofp, and u need to add more RAM (better solution) or allocate more space for the swap file (cheaper solution).

Concerning the language, Have u checked in the "preferences" (when u launch the CD) to change it back to your own language?? It does the same for me everytime and I just change it from english to french in preferences menu.

I hope it helps.

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