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New revised PvP mission for I44

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Updated version 1.1



Game mode: Team versus Team

Players: 1-64

Overview: Both sides are in control of one airbase and one resource point. Each side has a group of infantry for defending their airbase, paratroopers for defending their resource point and attacking the enemy positions, and several fighter squadrons. The first team to destory the enemies resource point and the AA guns defending the enemy airbase wins.

Version 1.1 notes:

Added Norrin Revive Script PvP version 0.5

Fixed couple of scripts.

Version 0.2 notes:

-Removed HALO drop script

-C47's on both sides pilotable (only by pilots)

Version 0.1 notes:

-Only pilots can fly

-Paratroopers start the mission at their teams resource point but will respawn back at the airbase.

-Both sides have a C47 (locked) that they can use to Parachute in to any point on the map (placeholder until we have a german transport plane so both sides can actually fly their paratroopers to the destination, used teleport instead of a flyable C47 both sides to avoid confusion but easy to add in if there's a demand for it).

-Currently anyone can use the C47 to paradrop.

-All vehicles at the airbases respawn after 300 seconds (after being destoryed or abandoned).

Future plans:

-Paratrooper only transport planes.

-Rewards for capturing resources points.

-More ground units (tanks!)

-Other goodies!

All you can read here in the Invasion 1944 Forum.

Click here to go the Invasion Forum post about this great Mission.

Note This version is not an Official Mission of the Invasion 1944 team. This is an fanbased created mission, based upon the FreeFall Mission of the latest I44. Visit http://www.forgottenhonor.com/ for more info about Us.

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Where should it be put then? If so .. Can the moderators please move the post?

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