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WANTED: Company Commander for a large-scale tank PVP battle, on May 28th

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Dear all,

For the Rolling Thunder large scale tank PVP battle, we are looking for a person who is willing and able to lead a 37-man, human force against another 37-man force. As commander you lead three tank platoons (9 players each) and a support section (you only have 4 people to talk to via the TS Channel Commander function)

The battle takes place on Saturday 28th May. Muster time is at 19:00 GMT, event ends at 21:30 GMT

Company Commander tasks:

  • Makes a basic tactical plan for his side/company
  • Briefs his platoon leaders on TS before the battle
  • Coordinates the actions of his platoon/ groups during the battle

No further preparations are required and no strings attached.

If you are interested or have questions, please send me a PM.

For more info on the event. Check this website.


Best regards,

Eric Dutch

Rolling Thunder team

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