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Automatically attacking to enemy units

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Hi, I sorry for my English. I'm basically a beginner at some scripts. I need to deal with this:

_Warrior = _this;

while {Alive _Warrior} do {
Hint "START";

_Enemy = nearestObjects [_Warrior, ["Man","Man"], 100] Select 1;
_man_damag = damage _Enemy;
Side _Enemy = EAST;

while {Alive _Enemy} do {
 if (_Warrior distance _Enemy > 0) then {_Warrior Move position _Enemy};
 if ({_Warrior distance _Enemy <= 4 && Alive _Enemy && Side _Enemy == EAST} count allUnits > 0) then {_man_damag = _man_damag + 0.51; _Enemy setdamage _man_damag; _Warrior playMove "AmelPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_amaterUder3"};
Sleep 6
Sleep 1

I want to unit "_Warrior" automatically searched enemy force "_Enemy" and then himself to this unit attacked. But this script so does not work.

"_Warrior" runs so to me (when I'm from him nearest, I'm West as him) I want, that he go only against other side..

A second problem, after killing one unit, he is inactive for searching other enemy unit. I need, that he constantly searched enemy force (in the 100 meters), until he is alive ..

What am I doing wrong here?

I hope you understand my problem, thanks for the advice ..:)

Edited by Warpo

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search and destroy or guard waypoints do just that, no need to go into scripting for this, learn editor first, then go script.

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search and destroy or guard waypoints do just that, no need to go into scripting for this, learn editor first, then go script.

I can well with the editor, the script also. I'm concerned about a specific solution to this script, I do not want use waypoints.

I need only to "_Enemy =" seting for side East. How to do it (Side == _Enemy EAST; does not work)? ;)

So that I want use this for next working in the script.

Edited by Warpo

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Some help...

nearestObjects returns an array (list of men in this case). The list might contain only one man...but it is still a list.

To get the nearest man from the list select the first element like this....

_man = _enemy select 0;

You also have "Man" there twice...no need for that.

You also need to understand how to use side.

There are a lot of errors in your script....not just one or two!

Edited by twirly

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Big thanks to you..

I'm tried repair this sript. Somehow it works. Do you see a mistake there, where? Thanks..

_Warrior = _this;

while {Alive _Warrior} do {
_EnemyField = nearestObjects [_Warrior, ["Man"], 100];
_Enemy = _NepritelField Select 1;
East = side _Enemy;
_man_damag = damage _Enemy;

while {Alive _Enemy} do {
 if (_Warrior distance _Enemy > 4) then {_Warrior Move position _Enemy};
 if (_Warrior distance _Enemy <= 4 && Alive _Enemy) then {_man_damag = _man_damag + 0.51; _Enemy setdamage _man_damag; _Warrior playMove "AmelPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_amaterUder3"};
Sleep 4

Sleep 1

Or other solution this script. Runs him person created through command "createUnit". For example "CWarrior ExecVM "Attack.sqf", _Enemy not, it's complete side east.

Edited by Warpo

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Okay, I look at it.

Still, please you look for this script and repair error in him.

I need it's have functional soon as possible and not until a few days. Just quickly solution.


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lol, i asumed warrior was the armored vehicle not a "warrior", i checked your animation and you want a man to run around and punch all enemys...

Lol at google translate.

Lol, this was so funny i actually kindof made it for you.

// execute with:
// _null = this execVM "hunt.sqf";

_warrior = _this;
while {alive _warrior} do {
_enemyList = nearestObjects [_Warrior, ["Man"], 100];
	if ((side _x) == east) then {
		while {alive _x AND alive _warrior} do {
			if ((_warrior distance _x) > 2) then {
				_warrior doMove (getPos _x);
			if ((_warrior distance _x) <= 3 AND alive _warrior AND alive _x) then {
				_warrior lookAt _x;
				sleep 1;
				_man_damag = getDammage _x;
				_man_damag = _man_damag + 0.51;
				_x setdamage _man_damag;
				_Warrior playMove "AmelPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_amaterUder3";
			sleep 4;
} foreach _enemyList;
sleep 1;

of course not perfect, but now you have something to work with.

main issues is turning to face enemy, and timings, but you will find that out easy.

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Oh my god, now you're really pleased me. Thank you very much, you saved me a lot of time. I'm also teach something (I have previously worked only with SQS). This Script wokring perfectly.

Of course, further improve the script, it creates a protection, etc..

Yes Warrior is not armored vehicle. Exactly how to you write. :D

I helped with Google Translator, is it shit..:p

Edited by Warpo

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