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money specific to each player

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I do not really know how to explain what I'm trying to do but I will do my best. I created a working money system but my problem is that the money is shared between everyone. How would I make it so each player (there will only be 2 players) has their own money?

In this example money = 0

if (money < 100) then
   player1 groupChat format ["You cannot afford this item. You only have $%1", (money)];
} else {
   money = money - 100;
   player1 addWeapon "M9";
   player1 groupChat format ["You bought a M9 and have $%1 remaining", (money)];

The problem with this is that when the money is subtracted, it is subtracted from everyone. I need player1 and player2 to have their own money.

Would I have to do something like:

player1money = 0;
player2money = 0;

It would be nice if i could just do:

if (player1 money < 100) then...

Thanks for the help,


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you could:

objectName [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVariable"]setVariable[/url] [name, value (, public)]


object [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getVariable"]getVariable[/url] [name, defaultValue]

that way the value will stay specific to the unit...

The reason that "money" is shared is because it is named as a global variable (no underscore "_money")

more info on variables scope here

Edited by gammadust

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