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Creating Dialogbox with Playerlist in it

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Hey there;

Me and my Bud at our Server (or his coz he owns it, I just grunty Co-Admin) have a loooot of problems with guys coming in, not reading the (clear) info on our Server Notes; it TELLS everybody that it is a ranked Server, yet they take off to get in all the Vehicles, then get in the gunner seat coz they can't drive/fly, and then shoot like Madmen, esp. at other players/vehicles and even me. Also they like to set Mines/Satchels all over the Place.

It is a Dedicated Server, and Co-Admins don't have access to the Banlist, and it SUUUUCKS when it is early or late in the night and the Server Owner with FULL Access isn't around, neither is Banning enabled for the "normal" Co-Admins and we only can quickly login, kick, and then logout again to avoid being hijacked (thx to that f*cking Darky Hack and it's Admin-Hijack.)

Yes, we have addons enabled, so we can use our, ahem, "tools" to teach them (TK'ers, Cheaters, etc.) a Lesson, but also can these other ppl use their stuff.

We have a loooot of regulars on all the time, and it suuuucks *ss when they/we can't even get points coz we have to babysit the all the time; kicking the People don't work, they just change their name, and come back (with the same UID though, lmao).

Now we made this neat little script we extracted out of some "File" (which I WON'T mention!) which allows to execute a Freeze-Script (I WROTE MESELF) on said People by typing in their name, WORKS LIKE A CHARM! Almost exactly like the Banana-Phone, but ANYTIME we need it, and on ANY Person, even if they get some + Points b4 they start doing sh*t (getting Plus-Points before killing Friendlies avoids the Banana-Phone, as long as there's + Points) :yay:.

I got this Idea up because: Freezing them Forces them to Alt+F4, and reboot the Game, and THAT takes longer than just, ya know, quit, change name (or fake UID if they can) and come back.

But; It requires to put in the players name, to run the script! And that can SUCK at times, when you can't grab hold of them fast enough, then they just set a Satchel/Mine and BOOM the Base is/will be gone, or they get in Vehicles and shoot the P*ss out of me/others when I investigate what's going on in the Base.

Also, the Owner is off half the time (he has a life, unlike me it seems :D), and I'm all alone there. Ban-Option is DISABLED in the Game options to KEEP the People who know the pass (like me and 2 others) from banning the wrong People by accident (yes, lots of Lag+ one Bad Mouse = click on wrong Names, happens too easily).

Now. How to run the Damn thing by just creating a Dialog Window with either Drop-Down Option or a Playerlist like in the EVO-Assign-Menu, where you could click on their name, then on Freeze/Unfreeze (Yes we have an Unfreeze Button since we arent complete assholes)?

We use a Self-Made Tool similar to those Viewdistance-Tools that you can get, but waaay more complicated now, with multiple Pages on them, and stuff.

Looking in the EVO/Warfare-Maps themselfes don't help a bit, since it is coded in like 20 different Files, and also seems to use the codes that were made by bohemia and are buried someplace else.

And yes I can code a bit (lmao I used the almost same Tool ever since we went from Arma1 to Arma2 and now Arrowhead, rewrote it about 90 times now), but I had to use like 5 different pre-made Thingies to make our own, private thingy, but can't figure out the User-List thingy.

Important note: This in NOT for hacking anybody elses Server (but, I already hear the Trolls screaming 'YES YOU ARE, HACKING US'!, well what do you know, gtfo kids), since we have our own (Server), and don't like the others (Servers), no offense.

I don't want to give out too much info on what we got running, in case some1 at these infamous Cheater-Sites (yes they still haven't given up ruining the game, though these queers are more over CoD/BF it seems) or similar reads this; thx anyways, I appreciate.

NVM, forget about it, I figured it out. Pretty easy though.

Just copypaste-ing from the EVO Core.sqf.

Edited by DementedFool117
Got it

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