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[EVO] Squad recruiting

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Echelon V Operations is currently recruiting new members for SOG 6.

Players with all levels of proficiency are welcome, although we do request that all applicants have an interest in Special Operations type game play and are mature. Previous military experiance is a bonus but not essential.

EVO does not utalize a ranking structure. Players are assigned leadership roles based on their natural ability and an interest in command; although all command level members are expected to fully understand not only all weapons but also the skill sets of members under their command.

We have openings available for all disciplines and would encourage members to develop as wide a range of skill sets as possible as we do not espouse to the rigid role model, instead favouring a more adaptive approach as per our Spec Ops style.

Training mission are run with specific qualifications attained after completion.

These include but are by no means limited to

Basic rifleman instruction

Automatic rifleman instruction

Medical training

Marksmanship principles

Recon/Sniper instruction


Covert operation techniques

Radio net operations

Air operations/advanced air operations techniques

Additionally all members are expected to be proficient in the use of both western and eastern weapons systems.

We use ACE and ACRE to increase realisim and immersion.

We have access to two dedicated servers both based in the UK. One dedicated for Vanilla Combined Operations (Arma2 + Operation Arrowhead), the other for ACE games.

Weekly attendance is not compulsory as ARMA is a game and we belive it should always take a backseat to real life.

However we do expect members to show as much comitment to training and weekly clan coop nights as they can afford.

Upon application recruits will be placed on a 2 week probationary trial based purely on attendance and not skill. It is our view that any skill can be learned but that commitment is a fundamental prerequisite to the develpoment of good players and members.

If you are interested in teamwork, tactical, and well planned mission play then you can contact us either at www.evoclan.net and select the ARMA 2 section, echelonvoperations@gmail.com or via our TS3 at and ask for [EVO] Crash.

[EVO] Crash

Recruitment Officer

Edited by [EVO]Crash

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[EVO] would like to invite all players to join its COOP night on Friday 25th November.

It is going to be based on one of Duala missions that we have called Operation Fuel Ration. This mission has room for 18 players since we do not need the 3 pilot slots.

Mod List:

Latest release of ACE on Six updater

Latest release of ACRE on Six Updater

Isla Duala v1.95 with Duala units

It will be a first come, first served signup. I will post more details later. This will be put up on our BIS page as well so make sure you sign up early to avoid disappointment.

Basic Outline of the mission:

We have been deployed to the country of Duala to assist local forces in the war that is going on there. Our job will be to land on the Island of Mangomak and carry out 3 tasks:

-Destroy an enemy generator to cut off power to the local fuel pumps.

-Eliminate an enemy officer commanding the operations on the island.

-Destroy the fuel trucks so they cannot deliver any fuel to their own forces.

Insertion will be via boat and extraction will be by the same, although we may be able to send a littlebird in for pickup.

If you are interested, please register on our forums and put a reply on this thread:


We are also still recruiting for our clan, we are a multigaming clan so we may just have another game for you that we play. Sign up for [EVO] Clan here:


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