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US Navy Force was set up to be a tactical realsim team of 32 players, playing within the backdrop of the US Military different aspects. We do have an age restiction within the team which is 16 years old and over.

We currently have 4 teams set up at the minute these are:-

SEAL Team 4 (4 Players) (WOLFPACK)

75th Rangers (4 Players) (GHOSTWALKER)

4th US Marine Battalion (14 Players) (RED FOX)

US Navy Pilots (6 Players) (OUTLAW)

We curently use the ACE Mod and the ACRE ACE Radio system, as well as our own mod pack.

If you would like to join our team please fill in the recruitment section and state which unit you would like to join.

On behalf of the USNF Admin team enjoy your stay on our forums.


Edited by Darkangel101

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