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Just some tiny questions about heights calcs...

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1.- Can someone tell me which are min and max heights posible or feasible within visitor3 and working ingame?

2.- Does anybody knows (and can explain here) why visitor3 suggests new height values when exporting terrain to pbl file?

3.- Does anyone knows which calculations or conversion system visitor3 uses when converting to pbl file?

For example, I have my map with:

minheight = -1000

maxheight= 2500

But then vis3 changes all that for:

minheight = -1350

maxheight= 2850

In this example the whole variation range equals 3500 and is still found in both cases

But, If I introduce some minor change, then numbers start to look weird.... and I couldnt tell what's going on...

I would like to figure this out cause I am working on a river valley between heavy mountains and I want to get more control and be as precise as I can...

I made a river about -0.5 meters and after making some changes on the sorrounding plainfield I lost my original measures and now river has gone deeper (about 2 meters) so infantry men can`t cross without swimming ...

Then I begun to mess around with values in pbl file but recovering the first look is a real pain in the a**, you know...

Anyways, thanks in advance for your advice.


PS: The river itself...


Edited by Robster

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