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Phantom Six

Limited Instant Respawn

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Hello, I need help with a script on how to limit players instant respawn to 3 per player. Not per team but per player. I have search around the forums for some script like it, but the closest I can find was norrin's limit respawn script but it was limited to per team and base respawn only (gave it a try but seem to spawn in the middle of nowhere instead)

Overall, can someone help me with some kind of script that will limit each player to a maximum of 3 respawns (maybe even a spectator mode once you're out) on instant respawn

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I also want to know how to do this but first things first. I cant get myself to respawn at all. My description.ext contains:

//Mission Header

class Header


gameType = Coop;


onLoadMission = "Respawn Tester";

OnLoadMissionTime = FALSE;


respawn = "INSTANT";

respawndelay = 10;

When I die, it just asks to end game. I also want to learn how to setup a limit on respawns.

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