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How to find classnames for addons?

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I want to ask this because there is no thread about it, and i kind of need it now.

I am right now working on a mission using KuiK's winter skins, and i want to dynamically spawn some groups using bis_fnc_spawn and createunit with these units.

Problem is, i dont know their classnames, i unpbo'd the addon, to see if i could find a script file that would show me their names, sadly, i havnt found anything. I believe it is in the config.bin file, except i cant open the dam thing :S

does anyone know what i have to do to access the file to see the classnames for the units?

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place the unit you want the classname of in editor with this in initline:

hint format["%1",(typeOf  this)]; copyToClipboard format["%1",(typeOf  this)];

now you get a hint and also you can paste the classname in any text document using paste or ctrl v

edit: you can also do this for entire groups, place in leader initline:

grpclasses = []; {hint format["%1",(typeOf  _x)]; grpclasses = grpclasses + [(typeOf _x)]; sleep 1} foreach units group this; copyToClipboard format["%1",grpclasses];

now you get a hint with every classname in that group with 1 sec apart and then after all is done you can paste the whole collection of classnames into any text document.

just delete the sleep 1 if you dont want to wait for the hints.

Edited by Demonized
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Also if a readme file comes with the addon you could just look in that, they usually include the classnames. Demonized solution works perfectly fine though so i would recommend just doing what he said.

Edited by koalasalad

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alright this works perfectly, but is there a way to get the group classname? the reskins have the groups premade, so it would be easier for me to spawn an mgteam thats snow camo with bis_fnc_Spawngroup

can i do typeof group? ill see what the biki has to say

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alright this works perfectly, but is there a way to get the group classname? the reskins have the groups premade, so it would be easier for me to spawn an mgteam thats snow camo with bis_fnc_Spawngroup

can i do typeof group? ill see what the biki has to say

you are looking for something called cfgGroups.

Im not sure how to find that but there is certainly a way.

if you use the last example i made from a placed group from the pre made groups you will get that group and that array that you paste you can use in spawngroup, then you will get exactly that group, its same as using cfgGroups but you have simply just copied it, without need to get into config files.

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O how i wish addon makers would document this stuff :(

ill see if theres a way to open up the config file for the groups

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