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Ronin Storm

Zargabad location names all appear to be blank/empty

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I've been looking to see if I can figure out the names of locations around Zargabad. I found and modified the following script that draws markers on the various locations on the map, with my modifications adding a label to the markers for the location name.

However, in Zargabad, all those location names appear to be blank... is that really supposed to be that way?

if (!isServer) exitWith{};
waitUntil {!isNil "bis_fnc_init"};

_i = 0;
markLoc = {
_loc_type = _this select 0;
_color = _this select 1;
_locs = [_loc_type, [[0,0,0],1000000], true] call BIS_fnc_locations;
 _i = _i + 1;
 _n = format["x_%1", _i];
 _m = createMarker [_n, position _x];
 _m setMarkerType "Dot";
 _m setMarkerColor _color;
 _l = nearestLocation [getPos _x, _loc_type];
 _name = name _l;
 _m setMarkerText _name;
} forEach _locs;

["CityCenter", "ColorBlack"] call markLoc;
["StrongpointArea", "ColorRed"] call markLoc;
["FlatArea", "ColorBlue"] call markLoc;
["FlatAreaCity", "ColorGreen"] call markLoc;
["FlatAreaCitySmall", "Default"] call markLoc;
["Airport", "ColorWhite"] call markLoc;
["HQ", "ColorOrange"] call markLoc;
["Name", "Default"] call markLoc;
["Strategic", "Default"] call markLoc;
["NameMarine", "Default"] call markLoc;
["NameCityCapital", "Default"] call markLoc;
["NameCity", "Default"] call markLoc;
["NameVillage", "Default"] call markLoc;
["NameLocal", "Default"] call markLoc;
["Hill", "Default"] call markLoc;
["ViewPoint", "Default"] call markLoc;
["RockArea", "Default"] call markLoc;
["BorderCrossing", "Default"] call markLoc;
["VegetationBroadleaf", "Default"] call markLoc;
["VegetationFir", "Default"] call markLoc;
["VegetationPalm", "Default"] call markLoc;
["VegetationVineyard", "Default"] call markLoc;
["fak", "Default"] call markLoc;


All the above in init.sqf.

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