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The ace spectator script?

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Hello all

I can see that ace has a spectator script in it. How do I start this and make it work?

I have looked at this, but it still is unclear to me, how to do it:


As I have understood it:

1. I have to create the onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs and put it into my mission folder.

2. Then I have to put this into the onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqd:

_this call ace_fnc_startSpectator;

3. Then I have to add this to description.ext:

respawn = "BIRD";

And then it should work right? By me it doesnt seem to work, what have I done wrong?

Where does this go and how to define what you are allowed to spectate and what not to?

_unit setVariable ["ace_sys_spectator_exclude", true];


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¿?¿? :eek:

Thats for starting ACE spectating when you die instead of the seagul/crow.

If you just want to start the spectating, just use the ace_fnc_startSpectator function, for example:

1- create a triger with activation radio alpha, condition this, on act:

xx=player spawn ace_fnc_startSpectator;

2-Start the mision and use radio alpha.... and there it is your spectator.

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I want to start spectating when you die in the mission. What do I do to make that so? I dont want to make it start when I call radio alpha.

Maybe I was a bit unclear or maybe my english is a bit bad, so let me try other wise:

I want to use the spectator to spectate when I die. I only want to spectate my own side's units. How do I do this?

Edited by JacobJ

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Then just follow the steps you already wrote, and be sure that you call the file onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs, not onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqd :S.

It should work :S, but only on MP and when there are more than 1 player alive. I don't see what can be wrong :S

Edit: also , be sure that you only have one respawn = "BIRD"; on the description.ext.

If the problem persist, use the ACE2 thread or a suppor ticket on dev-heaven, that's a better place to ask

Edited by columdrum

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Okay, but what about the restricting part? How do I make them spectate their team only and not all player alive? How do I define who you can spectate or not?

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Okay, but what about the restricting part? How do I make them spectate their team only and not all player alive? How do I define who you can spectate or not?

There are a lot of restrition options for example:


// ace_sys_spectator_playable_only = true, only playable (MP) or switchableUnits (SP) units will be shown in the target listbox

ace_sys_spectator_ShownSides = [west, east, resistance, civilian];

//Only show certain sides, in this example all sides would be shown, but you can for example delete east or any other from the list. You can also use the playerside constant on it. For example: ace_sys_spectator_ShownSides =[playerSide]; would only show their own team members

Hope that can help.

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