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Player has satchel in editor, not present in SP mission.

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Okay here is the problem. I made a mission with 2 playable squads. You can choose to be either of the team leaders and that is it.

I gave each of the team leaders a satchel charge. In the editor both team leaders have the satchel charge. All is good in the editor.

I .pbo'd the mission and went to play it in single player and the player controlled team leader DOES NOT have the satchel, but the playable team leader of the second team DOES have the charge.

I have been fudging around with this all weekend but cannot figure it out. I ALWAYS have the charge in the editor and it is ALWAYS missing after I .pbo it and play the mission.

Anyone else ever have this problem?

Here is what the init's of the two units look like:


["ace_sys_irstrobe_aradd", [this]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; alpha=group this; tl1 addmagazine "pipebomb"


["ace_sys_irstrobe_aradd", [this]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; bravo=group this; tl2 addmagazine "pipebomb"

the coding is the same for both units. Player unit is tl1, playable unit is tl2, both are correctly named in the editor. I have put the satchel charge coding at the end of the init line and at the beginning with no change to the problem.

tl1 has the satchel in the editor but not the mission. tl2 has the satchel in both the editor and the mission.

I am running ace2 core and extras, cba and zuessai if that makes any difference.

I am using upsmon in the mission as well if that makes any difference.

Any ideas what is going on here? This isn't making sense to me.

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Yes, that makes sense, and since OFP. Some controls are made on the player and on the players' team, particularly the amount of equipment they are allowed to carry according to the slots available in the gear / equipement side of the mission editor, at the beginning of the mission (which appears once the mission is pbo-ed, during the briefing).

Those controls aren't made on other units.

For example, through the config.cpp file of the soldiers, i can add 100 magazines of whatever rifle to them. When I play with them in the ME editor hitting the preview key, no problemo, everybody have 100 magazines. If i pbo the mission (hence activate the briefing), everybody have 100 magazines BUT me and my squad, because it is breaking the "maximum slot available" rules.

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sweet, thanks guys, that makes sense.

It seems asinine they would allow it in the editor but not the mission though. You would think the editor should be a mirror image of what is allowed in the mission. What's the point of previewing in the editor if it's not 100% accurate as to how the mission is going to perform.

You would think there would be a way to notify you that there is not available slots for that equipment. But I guess that's just the way it is.

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I guess it's a lot easier to get certain aspects of mission design working that require a particular loadout without going through all the semantics of defining a "proper" loadout first. Then once things are in place, before you .pbo it you take care of that as one of the finishing touches.

I guess. I agree that the editor probably could do a little more when it comes to loadouts. To say the very least.

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Now that I know about that little nuance of the editor, I was able to take care of it, and it now appears in the mission. Thanks again for the help.

Just wish I would have known this about a week ago, as I released a mission and looked like an asshole when you couldn't complete it because you didn't have the damn satchel charge.

Now that that's out of the way I can work on changing the Heli insert from mapclick to UnitCapture before I try to re-release it. I have the basics of UnitCapture/UnitPlay down, but now the issue is getting the rotors to move when I do UnitCapture with a chopper that starts out on the ground with the engines off. I can get the damn thing to move, but the blades don't spin and the engines aren't on. Plus on top of that, I'm a shitty pilot so this is going to be an adventure to try to incorporate into this mission. But unfortunately using mapclick on the area of the map my mission is in, is proving to be impractical because of the mountains around the city.

I can get them to land fine using the mapclick, but I also know exactly where I need to click to insert the chopper since I've inserted in this mission at least 50 times. But some people apparently keep flying into mountains, so it looks like it's time to go out and learn knew things.

If it's not one thing, it's another though.

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